Be a part of not just a team but a family
During the season, swimmers and divers will spend countless hours together between practices, lifts, meets, team dinners & other social events. It's impossible not to make lifelong friends with your teammates.
"You get out of it what you put it"
There are other sports that require hand-eye coordination, large body size, or a natural talent. Swimming doesn't fall into this category. Success can be achieved in this sport as long as swimmers are willing to put in the time, energy and effort. An extremely strong worth ethic can go a long way!
No other sport can show individual improvement quite as well
When swimmers / divers see improvement in a short period of time, it can be very motivating and boost their confidence. Swim & Dive is a very measurable sport and with hard work and dedication, improvement is not only a goal but an expectation!
Swim & Dive is both a team and individual sport
In our sport you get the best of both worlds... you can contribute to the team by scoring points as meets but also as an individual, swimmers & divers are always trying to improve their own personal best times / scores.
It is a sport that prepares kids for the real world
Much like life, there are peaks and valleys when it comes to swim & dive. There will be good meets and bad meets, good practices and bad practices. But the goal is no matter how hard things are, never to give up.
Swimming is sport that can be enjoyed throughout life
Swimming is a low impact sport that does not put strain on the body like other sports. Swimming is a skill that people can continue to enjoy throughout their lifetime.​​​​

Myths / Facts about our team;
You have to be a great swimmer / diver to be on the team (Myth)
You do not need to be an experienced swimmer / diver to be on the team. We will teach you from the ground up, even if you don't know how to swim or dive! We need swimmers of all ability levels on our team to help it grow and to score points at meets.
Be a part of not just a team but a family (Truth)
During the season, swimmers and divers will spend countless hours together between practices, lifts, meets, team dinners & other social events. It's impossible not to make lifelong friends with your teammates. I can't participate if I am in band, other clubs / sports, or work part time (Myth)The coaching staff will work with you to create a schedule which allows you to balance our team and other activities that you are involved with. We want you on the team and will work with you to make that happen!
"You get out of it what you put it" (Truth)
There are other sports that require hand-eye coordination, large body size, or a natural talent. Swimming doesn't fall into this category. Success can be achieved in this sport as long as swimmers are willing to put in the time, energy and effort. A strong worth ethic can go a long way!
Swimmers / Divers have to wake up early for practice before school (Myth)
First year swimmers / divers are not required to do any morning practices. While they are encouraged, they are not required. We lift 1-2 mornings a week for an hour before school, and the most experienced swimmers may have a swim 1-2 days a week, but this is not expected of any first years!
No other sport can show individual improvement quite as well (Truth)
When swimmers / divers see improvement in a short period of time, it can be very motivating and boost their confidence. Swimming & Diving is a very measurable sport and with hard work and dedication, improvement is not only a goal but an expectation!
Swim & Dive is both a team and individual sport (Truth)
In our sport you get the best of both worlds... you can contribute to the team by scoring points as meets but also as an individual, swimmers & divers are always trying to improve their own personal best times / scores.
I won't have enough time to do my school work or other things outside of school & swimming / diving (Myth)
We always put academics first in our program. We work together as a team to help keep a balanced schedule to allow you to be successful in and out of the pool while still having a lot of fun along the way!
Swimming & Diving is a sport that prepares kids for the real world (Truth)
Much like life, there are peaks and valleys when it comes to swimming & diving. There will be good meets and bad meets, good practices and bad practices. The goal is no matter how hard things are, never to give up.
Swimming is sport that can be enjoyed throughout life (Truth)
Swimming is a low impact sport that does not put strain on the body like other sports. Swimming is a skill that people can continue to enjoy throughout their lifetime.